Tuesday, July 15, 2014

ENDING QUEST "The Summoning"

"The Summoning"
F.D.A. Rekotz, 2014.

Here we have the album debut of a new Swedish Death Metal band from Stockholm playing nothing but old-school Death Metal for the likes of Interment, Puteraeon, Entrails, Demonical, God Macabre and an endless list of bands I could post here but well....just another worship to the great ones Entombed and Dismember.

Nothing much to say about this release because is nothing new or original here, just pure love to Death Metal. "The Summoning" i could say its very powerful like albums such as "Clandestine", "Like an Ever Flowing Stream" and "You'll Never See". I really enjoyed listening to this album from the very first time, just straight in your face. Some points to mention are: The vocals needs a bit of more development, very good drumming and guitar riffs without a doubt.

Great debut from Ending Quest, looking forward for the next summoning.

Points: 4.5 of 5

Listen:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ugIzq0lit60