Wednesday, June 25, 2014

HEDON "Summon the Demons"

"Summon the Demons"
Independent, 2014.

HEDON is a band from Sweden, they started back in 2012 and now in 2014 they released their first full length album called "Summon the Demons". I have to say that it is a bit hard to define their style but i think that they fits mostly into the Melodic Death Metal of Gothenburg (sometimes blackish), sometimes even you can't tell what kind of Metal they are doing. This album was released like many bands did in the past on the independent way which is kind of strange because at this point (2014) there are many labels around the world that happily would release this album.

After a few listening of the album i can see that Hedon needs to work more on develop their musical direction, to decide if they want to sound Melodic Death or just Melodic Metal or Death Black because some songs of the album like "Tides of Blood" sounds very different compared to songs like "Until you Die", this does not means that they are making bad music, i think its the opposite, very nice melodic harmonies along the album with a very skilled and tight drumming.

The vocals are good in general, changes here and there from the very high pitch vocals to the guttural way, something that makes the album interesting and not boring. The track "Sound of Suffering" has a crazy combination of slow and fast riffing with acoustic passages that makes this track one of the best of the album.

Very good production and mix to be self-paid, I believe that they should put more effort in spreading the word of their band and album, to get a record label for the next album would be better for them. Sometimes i think that Melodic Swedish Metal is over/dead but this band makes me think that there might be some good bands out still delivering the goods like Hedon is doing. Hedon made remember so much the old days when Unanimated, Gates of Ishtar or Ablaze my Sorrow were kicking asses.

If you are into Dark Tranquillity, Dissection, Lord Belial and The Forsaken you should check Hedon. Looking forward so much for the next album!!

Points: 3.5 of 5
